2019 12 31 rated 5 out of 5 by sushibreath from last one lasted 16 years in rheem gas furnace burner would not ignite even though pilot was on in my ancient natural gas furnace so i.
Hot water heater thermocouple home depot.
Provides ample amount of hot water for households with 3 to 5 people.
Camco water heater parts 6 pack water heater thermocouple.
Contains multi threaded and clip on positioning adapters.
Also fits all standard rv liquid petroleum gas water heaters and furnaces.
Plus it includes a 1 year in home labor warranty in addition to a 6 year tank and parts warranty.
If you re feeling lukewarm about your current hot water heater or are looking to install one in your new home lowe s has a full selection of electric water heaters gas water heaters tankless water heaters hybrid heat pump water heaters and water heater accessories to help you make one very hot choice.
Thermocouple for gas water heaters the eastman 24 gas thermocouple includes adapter fitting.
Contact customer service at 1 800 432 8373 with model and serial number to verify part genuine oem replacement kit.
The rheem performance 50 gal.
This kit contains a thermocouple and positioning adapters to fit all gas water heaters as well as appliances.
For use on select ge and hot point ultra lo nox natural gas water heaters.
Item 2549879 model 0929309293.
This thermocouple is designed for gas water heaters.
Directbrand hot surface water heater igniter for a o.
This thermocouple has a stainless steel tip to provide reliable performance.
Electric water heater takes up less space than competing models making it the perfect for replacement of an existing water heater.
Smith models fpsh 40 50 and fpst 50.
Made with copper tubing.
Find water heater parts at lowe s today.
Electric water heater the rheem performance 50 gal.
This is a critical piece for furnace and water heater not everyone can wait 1 week for that small part to arrive so one can have hot water heat.